Trinity Announces Spring Concert

The Sunderman Memorial Concert Series continues with The Allegheny String Quartet, performing a free concert of chamber music at Trinity Lutheran, Sunday April 30 at 3PM.

The quartet features Kim Cook (cello), Jeremy Klapper (violin), Genaro Medina (violin) and Lela Tsinadze (viola). Cook is professor of cello at Penn State University, and is recognized as an international concert artist. Klapper is a member of the Altoona Symphony, a former member of the Houston Symphony, and is currently a practicing pathologist at UPMC Altoona. Medina and Tsinadze serve as concertmaster and principal viola, respectively, of the Altoona Symphony. In addition, they each concertize extensively and maintain a private teaching studio.

Funding for the concert is provided by the Dr. William Sunderman Endowment, so there is no charge for admission. Sunderman is a deceased member of Trinity Lutheran Church. You can read more about his remarkable life in his 2003 obituary in the New York Times.

Light refreshments will be served after the concert. Hope to see you there…bring your friends!


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